Page name: X-Men Hall Center 3rd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-05 02:24:18
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Figgy
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The Center Hall of the third floor can be accessed by elevator or by the stairwell, and it is the hub of the students' dormitories. It is a relatively small, spartan area with doorways to four separate hallways: The boys' wing, X-Men Hall West 3rd; the girls' wing, X-Men Hall North 3rd; and two coed wings, X-Men Hall East 3rd and X-Men Hall South 3rd. In this location, one can easily note the transition from refined manse of the floors below to the unadorned plainness that befits an active student residence. While the Center Hall itself boasts a hardwood floor with a fringed area rug, a nondescript wall-to-wall Berber carpeting starts at the threshold of each of the hallways' openings.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Valerie paused a moment in the Center Hall after appearing from the girls' wing, as if she momentarily forgot where she was going. She was, in truth, just trying to decide which kitchen to stop in before hitting the gym. Her flaxen ponytail bobbed to one side as she cocked her head, and she shrugged minimally to herself before down X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Finally, Valerie, who reappeared from the East Hall, paused to breathe. The blonde walked at a leisurely pace as she made her way to the elevator to hit the down button. 'Can I use the same simulation?' she asked, honestly unsure of how the whole Danger Room thing worked, especially if a scenario had been tailored to one person. When the elevator arrived, she stepped inside, and her pointed right index finger wavered a moment between the first floor and underground complex buttons.

"The one is a survival simulation," Mihir explained. He entered the elevator and watched her hesitate at the buttons. "The others might prove difficult, as they are strictly fire related, but the survival course is little more than a jungle obstacle course." It was hard for him to fully explain without showing her. Mihir shrugged slightly, not sure if she would be interested.

'Oh, I can totally do an obstacle course!' Valerie confidently stated, and, with no further hesitation, she selected the button to send the elevator car to the X-Men Hall Complex.

Mihir smiled and nodded. "Good," he said as the doors shut and the elevator took them down.

Reaching the 3rd floor, Nathan headed through the hall and down the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Almost out of breath from her flight up the stairs, Endelyn lost the water trail Nathan had left behind. With an annoyed groan, she looked around and decided to just head back to her room, thinking it would be best just to read more in her room. She walked slowly and dejectedly down the X-men Hall East 3rd.

Light came from the South Hall, dressed less revealing than she normally appeared, and moving towards the East Hall, she hesitated. Knowing there would be more people in the kitchen on the third floor, and feeling less than sociable, Light turned and headed instead to the elevator, pressing the button and stepping in as the doors immediately opened, hitting the button for X-Men Hall 1st

Walking out from the North Hall, Flame hit the button for the lift, taking it down to X-Men Hall 1st.

Korvka walked straight from the stair to X-Men Hall East 3rd, carrying her black leather book of music under one arm... and then returned a few minutes later dressed in exercise pants and a sports bra, her long hair swinging behind her. She pushed the button for the elevator and stepped in to take it to X-Men Hall 1st, wearing a wary expression on her face, as usual.

Nathan came in to the hall carrying a bloody and unconscious Lucas over his shoulder. He approached the elevators and turned, waiting for Daniela to catch back up with him.

Justin rounded the corner from X-Men Hall South 3rd and stopped in mid step when the sight met his eyes. After a second to process the scene he sprinted up to Nathan, his face full of concern, his mind already jumping to the conclusion of another attack. "Nathan what happened?"

Still a bit shaky, Daniela rushed out of the centre hall and noticed there was yet another guy with Nathan and the barely conscious Lucas. With a small nod to Justin, who she barely knew, Daniela leaned down next to the wounded kid while they waited for the elevator. "Oi.. Lucas! Don't pass out!" she said with a tiny string of voice.

"Had a ball become a bullet, and start bouncing around in the lounge. I got out from cover, and he was out cold on the floor. We're just trying to get him down to Hank," Nathan said, keeping a mostly calm demeanour.

Lucas moved slightly, mumbling incoherently until he found some words. "Ugh... lemme 'lone... He said, the blood coming from his head not getting any worse, but showing no signs of stopping, leaving drops every foot or so down the hallway.

"Well forget the elevator let me try to make a portal to to the infirmary from here!" Justin shot out after hearing the situation. he wasn't even sure he could port four people but if it could help he was more than willing to try. He began to force energy into his hands and concentrate on the infirmary in case they wanted to take the portal.

"Geez..." said Daniela getting a bit flustered. "We can't leave you a lone." she added as she took off the button up checkered shirt she was wearing over her white tank top. Though normally she would've been rather embarrassed to be even be like this around guys she didn't know, there seemed to be more important things at stake right now. Holding her shirt up to Lucas' forehead, she found the spot where the blood was coming from and tied the sleeves around his head to serve as a bandage. "That'll do for now. Uhm.. Justin.. right?" she began to say, rather flustered by decisive. "There elevator is here, so thanks for the offer, could you just help hold this up instead?" she added, grabbing his wrist and moving his hand to the makeshift bandage, if the boy paid any attention, she would have noticed her hand was tiny and soft, but also shaky and rather hot. "Let's go." she finally added, her nose, cheeks and ears a rosy tint as she walked into the elevator and, as soon as the boys got on it, pressed the button down to the X-Men Hall Complex.

Justin's face flushed as she first took her shirt off but almost immediately wore off as the situation caught back up to him. He nodded as he put pressure on the 'bandage' to stop the bleeding following her orders. Daniela's shaking hand took him by surprise but he stayed calm so she wouldn't freak out even more. Poor girl is scared out of her mind he though following her into the elevator hand still on the shirt.

Nathan followed the other two into the elevator, Lucas still over his shoulder.

Light came up from the second hall, wearing only a bra and sweatpants, and stopped in the middle of the hallway, fuming. She looked down the south hall, hesitantly took a single step forward, then cursed under her breath and dropped down at the wall beside her, truly not wanting to go back to her room yet again. She'd spent too many days holed up in the dark there, and she needed out. Pressing her back against the cool surface, she pulled one knee towards her chest and dropped her forehead against it, breathing deeply as she tried to control her anger at Vlad. It was just starting to hit her that her anger was probably irrational. Why should she even be mad? She was the one in the wrong for continuing to wear Shade's shirt, and Vlad had only accidentally ruined it. The girl thought maybe she should be thankful, instead, that the Russian had helped her get rid of the damned thing, bringing her one step closer to, hopefully, getting over Shade.... but still, that was the one thing she had left of him to hold on to. "Jesus, you act like he died," she muttered to herself, lifting her head once to smack her forehead lightly against her kneecap, attempting to knock some sense into herself, which really didn't help with the recurring nausea. Finally, the girl sat silent for a few moments before lifting her head and resting it against the wall, sitting completely still with her eyes closed as she calmed down and the sparks that her hands had begun to emit subsided.

Coming out of the north hall, Magnolia entered humming softly. She did not see Light on the floor at first, it wasn't until she had just past the girl that she saw her out of the corner of her eye. Maggie backed up, she had never seen Light like this, angry yes, mean yes, but sad? Never. She had no idea what to do, she wanted to help but Light was notorious for keeping mostly to herself. Taking a chance Maggie said softly. "Light, are you alright?"

Light raised both her hands and pressed her palms firmly to her closed eyes, as if to relieve the pressure of a headache, and slowly ran them back over her forehead and through her hair, pushing it out of her eyes. Hearing a tiny voice, the girl sighed and opened her eyes to see Maggie standing in front of her looking concerned. "I'm fine," she said simply, wondering why the girl was even bothering to speak to her when they had never held a conversation before. It hit her that sitting shirtless in the middle of the busiest hallway in the mansion was a bad idea and she'd be attracting more attention than she needed or wanted at the moment. "You shouldn't wander around this place alone," she warned as she pushed herself up off the floor. Straightening out her pants and running a hand through her hair, Light walked across the center hall to X-Men South 3rd without an explanation for her last statement.

Realizing she shouldn't have spoken to Light, Magnolia backed off as the girl answered curtly and pushed herself up. Maggie noticed the girls strange attire as she said something weird. It was a warning, but one that wasn't really needed, at least Maggie though she didn't need to have a body guard just to walk from class to class. She thought it was safe here, bu maybe Light knew something she didn't? This but the girl on edge as Light walked away. Confused, Magnolia shrugged and turned, wondering where she could find Mihir. She pressed the elevator button and waited for it.

Coming from the South Hall, Light made her way across the center hall and towards X-Men Hall East 3rd, now fully dressed in all black, but her arms and face covered with smears and spots of blood, though she seemed unharmed and perfectly fine, if not a bit cold and worried. The girl ignored Magnolia, wondering briefly why she was still standing around, and made her way straight to the East hall. Moments later, she came back through the hall, this time without even a glance to Maggie, and headed back down X-Men Hall South 3rd, carrying two water bottles and a bag of chips.

Lire walked down the hallway carrying her bag of goodies. She noticed Maggie and sent a smile and half wave in her direction before turning and going down the X-Men complex staircase, deftly jumping and lightly landing on each step as she skipped 2 or 3 at a time in her hurry to get down.

Magnolia, who had spaced out and just stood there for a while, jolted back down to earth as she heard Lire come into the hall. She looked up at the girl, only able to give her a small smile. Maggie didn't let things go easily, and Lire pulling a dagger on her was something she wouldn't forget. The elevator doors had been open for awhile as Maggie had stood there. She looked at them, then at the stairs and sighed. The harp had been calling her and now was the time to answer. She went over to the stairs and went down to X-Men Hall 2nd. She appeared back into the hall and happily walked down to X-Men Hall East 3rd, excited.

Ding! The elevator pulled up, groaning all the way under a weight that could only belong to Vlad. True enough, the golden doors opened and the handsome Russian stepped out, carrying luggage against his chest so that both his hands were occupied. "Didn't mean to take off like that, I hope he makes it to a bathroom," he said, seemingly to no one until his large frame was out of the way and a smaller student could be seen behind him. He waited for Elianna, the hidden girl, once he was well out of the lift and nodded his head towards the north hall. "That hall is for girls dorms only" he explained and then led his eyes down to the west hall, "boys only dorms down there. The dark von is the south hall, co-ed. You're in the east hall, it's co-ed too. Follow me," he encouraged warmly, gesturing over his shoulder towards X-Men Hall East 3rd before he turned around and led at a pace she could easily follow.

Pausing before exiting after Vlad, Elianna looked around the hall curiously. She walked out, her eyes following where he nodded too. "Oh." Was all she had to say in response to the large Russian. She was looking around, wondering what it will be like living here, as she started to miss Vlad's exit. She looked back to him, only to find him disappearing into a hall. She scrambled after him into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Jonas walked out from the boy's west wing and looked around. Again, there was no one in the hall and he sighed softly in relief, though it didn't help his mission any on finding out the time. Jonas looked at the elevator, and thought about taking it, then looked down at his hands and realised he forgot his gloves. "Greaat." he said sarcastically, sighing. He shoved his hands into his pockets and headed for the stairs, grumbling about how crappy his luck was as he walked down to X-men Hall 2nd.

Coming into the Center hall, rubbing her eyes, Light was reluctant to open them again, the bright lights stinging her even through her eyelids. Opening one eye so she could see, she turned right and went down X-Men Hall East 3rd, her vision slowly adjusting to the light.

As Valerie slipped into the center hall from the stair well, a soft sigh pushed through her lips. It looked as if whatever she was reading on her phone didn't agree with her. She paused momentarily as her thumbs flew over the touch-screen in a flurry of movement before she continued on her way down X-Men Hall North 3rd.

There was somewhat of a strange noise coming from the east hall - probably a gaggle of students making mischief, Korvka surmised without real interest. Instead of walking down the familiar path to her room, however, the Russian girl turned towards the south hall, her thoughts flickering to Light. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach as Korvka realized she hadn't made any effort to be there for her after the whole prank, Shade, Camille fiasco, and now she'd made plans that actively didn't involve her. Regardless of the fact that she felt strongly that Light wouldn't be interested, Korvka wanted to try to do something nice for her, and so she set off down X-Men Hall South 3rd with a plan in mind.

Finishing her jog up the stairs from the first floor, Flame blew out a breath, stretching out her arms as her shoulders continued to protest. Planning to grab a shower before going to find Korvka, she stepped into X-Men Hall North 3rd. It was awhile later before she reappeared, only to head down X-Men Hall East 3rd in search of Korvka.

Bundled up in Vlad's arms as he rushed her out from X-Men Hall East 3rd, Flame held the Russian's shirt tightly against her bleeding side, teeth gritted in pain the entire way. She knew she wasn't in immediate danger, it wasn't like she had nicked a major artery, but by the colour of the blood coming out of the spear wound Addy had indeed not only gotten a chunk of her liver but also her gallbladder, the green bile mixing with the blood to create a dirty blackish mess that soaked its way through the shirt. Either way, it hurt like a bitch. Holding her body rigid against Vlad's mass, Flame snarled in pain. "Goddamn Christ! Why can't this place ever be normal?!"

Vlad rushed, making an awful ruckus as he ran from the east hall and immediately started jabbing the elevator button, cracking the plastic face of it in his panic. His heart was hammering at his ribs like a dog ready to tear free from its leash, sweat gripping his brow and rolling down his neck. When Flame spoke, the cavalier attitude she adopted did not sit well at all with him and he found himself barking at her rather irritably, "Don't talk!" His accent was stronger, his words harsher, his tone quite curt. In his frenzied state he did not stop to think of Flame's regenerative abilities and instead was deathly afraid that she would bleed to death in his arms while waiting for the goddamn motherfucking elevator...! Finally, it dinged and he stepped inside, instantly cracking the case on the button that would take them to X-Men Hall Complex.

Just a few minute after Vlad trampled everything in his path, Light came from the same area, cradling some fruit and ice packs, but decided on a different direction of travel, heading down X-Men Hall South 3rd.

After the previous trio of individuals passed through the area, going about their business at varying levels of urgency, Valerie entered from the North Hall. As she further removed herself from the vicinity of her room, the girl's mood began to lighten, and a sort of placid expression finally graced her face. Any of the strange and unfortunate goings-on in other areas of the mansion remained, as of yet, unbeknownst to her, and there was no reason she ought to let her own personal black cloud be her constant companion. The phone in her hand beeped, and her vacant, vague smile flickered to nothing as she dutifully checked the last several messages that she'd neglected, coming to a distracted halt somewhere in the middle of the hallway to do so.

Jabbing the button to call the lift, Korvka waited quite still, glancing down to the east hall where the commotion was said to have come from. She started to move down that way to investigate the damage, but right then the elevator rang and the doors opened. Stopping short, she turned and entered the lift, taking it to X-Men Hall Complex, wearing a cold face.

So engrossed was Valerie in her current texting conversation, she didn't notice anyone in the vicinity until Korvka was getting onto the elevator. Her mouth pursed then pulled to the side, as she mentally chided herself, though her friend seemed to have been equally distracted. Zipping her phone into her wristlet, Val turned toward the stairwell to X-Men Hall 2nd, having decided not to wait for the elevator's return.

Endelyn came out briskly from the east hall, heading for the stairs that would take her to X-men Hall 2nd.

Kenna came up the stairs from the X-men Hall 2nd looking as determined as ever, each step full of resolute confidence. The fiery haired girl then simply turned to the X-Men Hall North 3rd as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

A few seconds later, a girl's voice with a thick Scottish accent could be heard coming from the North Hall, calling out; "Oi! Where's me room?!!"

After a soft ding indicated the arrival of the elevator car from the first floor, the doors slid open and Valerie stepped out, a moment too late to hear Kenna's questioning pronouncement. Her attention lingered, in turn, in the direct of the South, East, North and West wings. A mixture of thought and doubt played across her features-- what if the stranger had just disappeared as she'd simply appeared downstairs? 'It shouldn't take long to find her... if she's up here,' she uttered without much conviction and stepped toward the doorway to the East hall to take a gander down the corridor.

Marcus stepped out of the elevator and shoved his hands in his pockets, not really wanting to look for the girl, but more coming along to appease Valerie in her search to apologize. He was fine with being here, it was the apologizing thing that he wasn't too fond of. He glanced carelessly around the halls, seeing if he might spot the girl at all.

'Do you see her?' Valerie asked as she took a couple of steps into the East Hall, then muttered, 'What in the world... ' and finally exclaimed, 'Omigosh!' as she backed pedaled into the Center Hall almost immediately, not having expected to be greeted with the little scene near the kitchen. She wasn't close enough to see what exactly was lying in a bloody heap on the carpeted floor, but she was certain that it should NOT be there. Besides that, given gouged wall and flaked plaster dusting the area, it looked like a small battle had taken place. 'There's...' she started to say, the complete opposite of Marcus's dispirited demeanor. 'There is something down there,' she stated, sounding, for the time-being, more shocked than scared.

"Nope, I haven't seen anything," Marcus dragged out, really not caring at this point, until Val drew his attention to the hall. "Well, that's different. Hey, look, blood."

'Oh,' replied Valerie in a very small voice. She did have a growing suspicion, given his short answers and lax attitude, that he didn't really want to be hanging around with her anymore. 'Yeah,' she said, a little more assuredly after clearing her throat. 'It's pretty messy...' she added, sounding a little distant, unsure of how to proceed as she looked back down the East Hall briefly and wrinkled her nose before shifting toward the South Hall. 'What do you want to do?' Val finally asked, with a glance to Marcus, but without any further explanation, for she presumed that it was unnecessary.

Making it up from the X-Men Hall 2nd just as the elevator dinged, Jonas made a small mental note of the other two students in the hallway as he waited for Emily. Hands shoved in his pockets, it looked like he was just irritated from having a bad day.

As the elevator doors opened Emily stepped out her arms still wrapped around her large rucksack. She smiled at Jonas but it quickly disappeared when she saw his irritated expression. "If you have something else to do, I don't mind finding my room on my own." she said, feeling a little disheartened at his mood.

"I'm not sure. I'm just not too keen on the whole thing about trying to find that hot-head from the kitchen," Marcus retorted, "I was more looking for something kind of relaxing to do. Like watch a movie, maybe? Or a game, or something. Heck, I'd go for sitting and talking." He turned and watched the other two students clear into the hall, giving a quick nod of recognition to them, so they knew that he knew they were there.

When Jonas and then Emily entered the Center Hall, Valerie greeted them each with a friendly smile and a 'Hiya,' though she unintentionally did a double-take at the girl who was both a stranger and who had mismatched eyes with an anomalous encroachment of scales on one side of her face. Ashamed at her reaction, Val quickly closed the distance between she and Marcus and dropped her voice. 'I am really sorry that this isn't what you want to be doing, but I don't think that girl should be just running around the mansion. I just want to figure out what's... well... what happened and who she is. What happened is NOT normal, even for this place, I think. And neither is THAT,' she said, indicating the thing in the East Hall with a jerk of her head. She spoke quickly, with an anxious edge to her voice. 'I'll finish this by myself, fine, but I thought it would be smarter to not go alone. So go ahead... watch a movie, or something,' she said, sounding a little petulant, which was atypical of her normal personality.

Jonas shook his head when Emily addressed him. "I'm sorry... I'm doing it again." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "It's just that a lot has been going on lately, and it is getting a little hard to keep up." He admitted with a small shrug."I don't mind helping you find your room. Only problem is, where to be-" he stopped as he looked down the east hall and saw the carcass lying there. "... I don't even want to know at this point." He said, shoving his hand back into his pocket. "Lets start in the girl's wing."

Emily had moved to raise her hand to give a friendly wave to Valerie and Marcus but stopped when she noticed Valerie's double take of her and quickly bowed her head so her long hair fell over her face, suddenly feeling self concious that her mutating face was on show. She glanced at Jonas then towards where his eyes had travelled and gasped when she saw the carcass on the ground. "Lets get out of here.." she said in a frightened tone as she quickly averted her eyes back to Jonas's face, hoping he would lead the way to the girls wing.

Marcus huffed slightly, "You're right. We don't need someone like that just wandering around here. And I shouldn't let you go after her yourself, so let's keep going." He shrugged back his shoulders, hoping to catch some idea of where the new, strange girl went off too. He still didn't necessarily like the idea of trying to find her, but he wasn't going to get Valerie mad at him, not let her look for someone that could be dangerous alone.

It was clear that Valerie was prepared for an argument, or at the very least was ready to be told see ya!, but when neither happened, the edges around the hardened, unbecoming set of her brow and jaw softened immediately. 'Really?' she asked, unaccustomed to both putting her foot down and winning a battle of wills. Mollified, Val stepped back from Marcus's personal space and changed gears again. 'Well, I didn't see her in South, and West is the boys' wing, even though I guess she could have wandered that way... so that pretty much leaves North, if she's even up here... unless she actually, like, was somehow able to get into one of the rooms. Then, well...' she gave a small shrug and trailed off. She cast a lingering glance at Jonas, who appeared to be unsociable as usual, and Emily, who seemed to be having a moment, as she stepped toward the North Hall. The blonde stopped at the doorway and let out a little breath of air, then looked like she wasn't sure if she should proceed or not, before stepping into the X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Jonas wrinkled his nose at the sight, though he was sort of curious about it. He heard the fear in Emily's voice and decided he would check it out later instead of making the girl go through it. "Right. And I'm sorry if I seem.... rude." He said, as he started walking into x-men hall north 3rd. He decided rude was the best way to describe how he was acting.

As Jonas started moving, Emily quickly followed after him disappearing into the x-men hall north 3rd, not stopping to take a second glance at anything behind her.

"Well, onward and outward, I guess," Marcus said, stepping in behind Valerie and heading up to X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Akantha came to the top of the stairs and stepped onto the landing that was, apparently, her only destination with those stairs. She was disappointed that the climb was over, having expected there to be secret passages and all kinds of strange wonders lurking about in a place full of weirdos, but she looked left and then right and saw the hallways branching off from the center. Shrugging, she took a right and wandered into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Kenna came out of the X-Men Hall North 3rd and walked over to the staircase, still holding Valerie's wrist and pulling the girl with her as she made her way down to the X-Men Hall 2nd.

While she wore an uneasy smile, Valerie tagged obediently along in Kenna's footsteps, also proceeding down the stairs to X-men hall 2nd after exiting the North Hall.

Marcus followed behind the two girls and swiftly headed down the stairs to X-men hall 2nd.

Stepping off of the elevator with all the enthusiasm of a prisoner of war, Korvka stretched her arms above her head and yawned fully, tears even collecting in the corners of her eyes. She looked down the east hall before proceeding down it, knowing that she needed to prepare for a scene of massive carnage. Light had told her what happened but seeing it for herself would be another thing entirely - and she'd already had to look at Flame's mangled body. Shivering and grateful that she no longer had to stick her hands into Flame's broken torso, Korvka sighed and headed down X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Alyssa made her way into the center of the hall from the stairway and waited for Jessica to make her way up.

Jessica arrived in the center hall shortly after, and looked around. She pulled out the still slightly damp map she was given, and looked at it for a second."Ah ha," she exclaimed,"I need to go the North hall myself." Then, she looked at Alyssa and said,"So where's your room at, and you can use my map to help you." Jessica held the map out in front of Alyssa so she could check.

"I think that I'm going to be down the same hall," Alyssa said, digging up her key and looking at it, "I'm in room 317."

"So were in the same hall," Jessica said with a smirk,"I'm in room 301 it appears," she continued while looking at her key. "Shall we go together down the North Hall then," she said moving into the doorway of the X-Men Hall North 3rd, and then entering into the hall itself.

Alyssa took off behind Jessica, and headed down X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Justin turned the corner from X-Men Hall East 3rd and looked across the hall looking for anyone to talk to. "I guess people just aren't in the halls much." He could here a few voices carrying down the hall from X-Men Hall North 3rd and decided that hall was as good as any option so he took off toward it.

Stepping off of the top of the stairs, Marcus made his way to the center of the hall, taking a quick glance towards each of the halls. He shrugged, figuring that since Vlad was in a room with another student, there was a good chance that they'd put his room down the all boy's wing, and having spotted the sign for it briefly in his glances, Marcus headed into X-Men Hall West 3rd.

As Jessica made her way from the X-Men Hall North 3rd she thought she saw someone go into one of the other halls, but wasn't interested in them at the moment. She then decided to slowly make her down the stairs to the X-Men Hall 2nd.

The first thing Korvka did upon leaving the wreckage of the 3rd hall behind her was lean one hand against the wall as she checked the bottom of her shoes. "Govno," she swore as she saw a ruby red smear across the bottom of her black, lacy slip on shoe. Wiping it adamantly on the carpet she checked it again, and then the other one. Satisfied, she tossed some of her still-drying curls out of her face and called the elevator. Whipping out her phone, she dialed Vlad, who did not answer, so she took the lift to X-Men Hall 1st.

Wandering back out into the main hall, Marcus spent no time crossing over to the opposite side of the hall and in to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Coming up from the X-Men Hall 2nd. Jessica stopped as her body screamed in fatigue. She leaned up against a wall to prevent herself from falling over,"" She asked herself breathing sporadically inbetween syllables and words. Jessica thought she saw a floating skull for a second, but ran away before she could verify it. After, thinking it through for a moment she realized it must have been a hallucination brought about by her body being really cold.

Stepping onto the third floor, Eddie gave a glance to Jessica, before focusing back on Rook. "Guess we got to find you a room." He wondered if his old room was still there, or had it been re-rented out to someone else? Eddie wasn't sure which would be sadder, they trying to hold onto his items and memory, or him having been brushed aside for a new kid.

After having been brought upstairs, Rook looked around and swallowed. All this was so unfamiliar to him, and he didn't want to be stuck in another strange room by himself. <"Where should I go?"> he asked in his native tongue before he realized what he did. It would take some getting used to, this talking in English all the time. At least he didn't have an accent like his father. "Where should I go?" His voice sounded pathetic and quiet, but it was mostly fatigue.

"If you're new and you've had a room assigned to you then your name will be on the door." Oliver commented in passing as he moved past the small group of students. "You just got to look for your name kid." He smiled fleetingly at Rook as he passed then waved his hand in farewell as he moved on to x-men hall west 3rd.

After calming down, Jessica finally stepped away from the wall and walked on to X-Men Hall East 3rd

Korvka emerged from the X-Men Hall 2nd and made her way to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Nathan stepped out of the lift and immediately turned down X-Men Hall West 3rd.

Right after Nathan, Vlad came out of the lift and headed to X-Men Hall East 3rd

Nathan passed right by Vlad on his way out of the East hall and into X-Men Hall West 3rd.

Ignoring Oliver's comment about the rooms, Eddie nodded his head towards the X-Men Hall East 3rd. "Will see if my old room is still free and in one piece. Can crash there until we get you sorted in the morning." Saying that, he headed off towards his old room, no doubt with Rook still in tow behind him.

Exiting the elevator, Catherine looked around, wondering which way to go to her room, before heading straight to the X-Men Hall North 3rd, deciding to start there first.

Feeling tired and rather annoyed by the whole day, Kenna made it to the Center Hall from the Complex and then headed to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

A few minutes after Kenna appeared from the elevator, Valerie appeared from behind its door, too. She went directly to X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Jonas quickly strode from the girl's hall and went ahead into x-men hall west 3rd.

Justin strode into the hall clearly exasperated, he spent the whole day looking for clues and came up bust. "Maybe ill head down a floor." He ran his hand through his hair and headed down X-Men Hall 2nd.

Daniela came up from the X-Men Hall 2nd a few minutes earlier and made a beeline straight for the girl's wing, heading to the X-Men Hall North 3rd.

Casper followed closely behind Daniela, mimicing her every move, while Shana trailed not too far beind as the came from the second hall and crossed the way to X-Men Hall North 3rd.

X-Men Hall 2nd
X-Men Hall North 3rd
X-Men Hall East 3rd
X-Men Hall West 3rd
X-Men Hall South 3rd

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2010-04-14 [Duredhel]: Hahah, after Daniela gets something to eat, she'll go chill at the lounge.

2010-04-22 [Roma]: Since Nicole is the only one left and she is already down the east hall, I am cleaning this page up in preparation for "tomorrow."

2010-04-23 [Lepellier]: Just to clarify, Kel, it's been 10 days since "yesterday", so I'm guessing the two know each other fairly well by now, atleast enough to know each others names.

2010-04-23 [Ms. Steel]: I was going to broach that topic, too.

2010-04-23 [Roma]: Don't forget to use UNDERLINE to indicate things like Luna

2010-04-24 [Priest Kel]: Yeah, I was wondering about that but I decided to check the comments before posting

2010-04-24 [Roma]: Yeah, things like Luna, using powers, new haircut/physical appearance/unusual clothes (as you'll see in a moment), tripping, falling, etc should be underlined. If you have any issues, I'll be there to help and I read all the posts and edit them anyway if something is wrong. But it'd be cool if people got the hang of it :P

2010-04-24 [Priest Kel]: No, I meant the fact that Aidan knew Michael's name when they had never met before

2010-04-24 [Roma]: OH, haha. Well don't forget to underline XD

2010-04-24 [Priest Kel]: I won't lol

2010-04-24 [Sturmi]: I'll just let the elevator go down and pretend Alexis is in it, when [Araglas] gets online he can make him join us...

2010-04-24 [Lepellier]: I should mention, Sturms, the clones are insubstantial. You can act like you'll hit them, but your hand will just phase through...Though, they look solid. (They can't hurt anyone themselves, either.)

2010-04-24 [Sturmi]: ahh okay

2010-04-25 [Roma]: Aww, "You're on fire!"

2010-04-25 [Flisky]: Heehee

2010-04-25 [Duredhel]: Uhhhm.. we might need a GM post here, because the shields pop into existence almost instantaneously, and if she's inside the shield, none of this energy is getting out.

2010-04-25 [Flisky]: Yeah. 'cause I really don't know if her energy will overcome the shields or what.

2010-04-25 [Duredhel]: well, actually, it wouldnt. The telepathic shockwave would, but not the energy itself, since its specified in Daniela's profile only telepathy (and teleportation) can bypass the shield, not energy or physical stuff. Also, no matter how strong the impact or energy applied is, since her shields do not react to stress but are dependent on her stamina and concentration. (Namely, a shield that is holding up a building and a shield that is on its own will last the same amount of time and drain the same amount of stamina from her, bigger shields do drain her a lot more though.)

But I figure its best if we leave it up to the GM

2010-04-25 [Flisky]: Hmmm...that should do...I think...

2010-04-25 [Duredhel]: The telepathic shock could break her concentration tho XD but let's leave it up to the GM to decide that, since it seems like she will be killed if her shield gets broken down (unless she instinctively makes a black one, but I decided that if she makes a black shield, I'll leave it up to the GM to decide how long she's trapped in there XD to compensate for how strong they are)

2010-04-25 [Flisky]: Where's Roma when we need her? ^_^

There's always the downsides to the powers. Daniela gets trapped, Devin puts holes in walls, Nicole destroys private property...

2010-04-26 [The Past]: ...tempted to make Flame try and put her out with a fire extinguisher XD since she is heading that way.

2010-04-26 [Duredhel]: How does Flame know Nicole is inside the shield? O,o

2010-04-26 [The Past]: Sorry, just assumed the flames would be pressing up against it but not outside of an area, like when you have water in a glass, even if you can't see the glass you can see the effect it has on the contents

2010-04-26 [Duredhel]: ... wha? XD sorry, didn't get that....

the shields are opaque though, they dont let light through and their surface is reflective.

2010-04-26 [The Past]: Oh ok XD so it cant be seen whats inside? Ok :) I shall change

2010-04-26 [Araglas]: lol Alexis to the uhh...*alexis passes out from telepathic shockwave* Well there goes that no kidding, i'll see what I can do!

2010-04-26 [Araglas]: ok...gotta see how this plays out...he knows that Daniela is panicking and that someone in her shield is sending out alot of meh....hmmm

2010-04-26 [Roma]: ACK! Seems I was needed on the ONE DAY I wasn't on. Go figure. Well, Nicole is contained, nothing is getting out. However things like setting other shit on fire is best left to my discretion. Things might be singed but it takes a long time to set something on fire. I should know, I set fires every day and it's not just a spark and the whole thing's in flames. I'll post right now.

2010-04-26 [Flisky]: Point of interest, for Alexis, there is a "crap ton" (as my bf puts it) more emotion coming from Nicole.

2010-04-26 [Roma]: True dat

2010-04-26 [Flisky]: I already read her power and telepathy can get in and out, so I assume that includes empathy, because it is a form of telepathy.

2010-04-26 [The Past]: Eh, I do hate coming on to a wall of text XD always makes me feel so out of place with my character not reacting faster heh

2010-04-27 [Araglas]: yay for empaths and other telekenetic beings! ^_^ lol

2010-04-27 [Figgy]: I suppose it should be explained that Shana works out. I mean, she's not buff. But she can handle carrying a girl. If anyone had a question about that. ;P

2010-04-27 [Roma]: I did. And honestly, you'd be surprised how hard it is to pick up about 100 pounds of dead weight. It's not the actually carrying that would make it difficult, it's getting her off of the ground. I'm buff as a fucking mule and even I would struggle more than that, especially when the limbs are falling about of their own accord.

But that's ok. Vlad won't let Shana take her, not when he wouldn't even balk at it ;)

2010-04-27 [Figgy]: Oh, trust me I know. I've spent my days carrying around little 100-pound asians >.> I could barely hold him for a minute since all my energy was spent picking him up.

2010-04-28 [Roma]: Take the stairs, lol. The elevator is going to the 1st floor first and then taking them down, and then coming back up. So if you want to get somewhere fast, I suggest stairs. Or waiting around and character development, but yanno, just sayin'.

2010-04-28 [Araglas]: I'd post now but I have no time and I wilkl first thing in the morning!~ I apologize to everyone for the delay of my postrr

2010-04-28 [Roma]: Seems to me like Xavier is going to need to put some shields up in Nicole's mind if she keeps wrecking shit. :P

2010-04-28 [Araglas]: lol hehe or make Alexis her constant companion lol

2010-04-28 [Roma]: But he was only able to touch her because she was in the shield. Otherwise she'd burn him. Xavier needs to have a word about this, not like he probably doesn't already know.

2010-04-28 [Araglas]: Well Alexis can heal himself remember? And he would be able to feel her emotions starting to go out of control before she lost control....the only reason he felt the aftermath was because he wasn't paying attention. He was enjoying himself at the moment, which isn't something he does often so he'll probably feel bad about not paying attention.

2010-04-28 [Roma]: Still. Xavier won't like it or put his students in danger of each other.

2010-04-29 [Araglas]: That is true as well...

2010-04-29 [Ms. Steel]: May characters return to their rooms now?

2010-04-29 [Roma]: Absolutely, the only reason I needed them empty was to put their uniforms in there to give them all time enough away to make it feasible for Jean or Xavier or whoever to sneakily sneak them in without anyone knowing :D

I can't wait to see the character reactions!

2010-04-29 [Lepellier]: We all know it was totally Nightcrawler. C'mon, who else could do it that easily? :P

2010-04-29 [Roma]: But Jean's got telekinesis...its a tossup, really. XD

2010-04-29 [Ms. Steel]: Yaaay!

2010-04-29 [Lepellier]: Telekinesis can't really teleport things through walls, though, can it? I mean, Kurt can just pop in and pop out.

2010-04-29 [Roma]: No, but it can turn a door knob.

2010-04-29 [Lepellier]: I suppose, but you can still see that

2010-04-30 [Roma]: Not as much as you'd notice a human. It's moot though, the whole point is that the students don't know HOW the uniforms got in there. They're just there.

2010-04-30 [Sturmi]: ? I thought Flame was in the kitchen

2010-04-30 [Roma]: oh shit, I totally missed that post -_-

2010-04-30 [Figgy]: Well it could be Shadowcat too. :)

2010-04-30 [Roma]: That's the great mystery :D No one knows...

2010-05-01 [Araglas]: lol hehehehehe

2010-05-01 [Figgy]: And here the doors close without Daniela exiting. Wow haha.

2010-05-02 [The Past]: Man you're busy with so many areas today [Roma] XD

2010-05-02 [Roma]: ;D

2010-05-02 [The Past]: Uh oh, the winking war starts again o.o

2010-05-02 [Roma]: O_O no winking here!

2010-05-02 [The Past]: ...staring contest instead? O.O

2010-05-02 [Figgy]: -_- Asian staring contest.

2010-05-02 [The Past]: XD!

2010-05-03 [Priest Kel]: Now I'm kinda waiting on Aidan to leave the elevator

2010-05-03 [Lepellier]: Sorry, I meant to post, but I wasn't sure if Shana was out of the hall yet. I'll have him step out.

2010-05-03 [Figgy]: Haha, Shana's not angry, she's still kind of in that "I haven't woken up yet," mode. ;P

2010-05-03 [Priest Kel]: Michael likes the Danger Room ^_^

2010-05-03 [Figgy]: Gonna wait a couple of posts. Don't want Shana to follow right behind Daniela if she took time to get ready. ;P (habitual winker)

2010-06-06 [Figgy]: We need to get Shana some Adamantium :D

2010-06-07 [Priest Kel]: LOL Just hold Wolvie's claws for a second

2010-06-07 [Figgy]: Bye-bye bone structure XD

2010-07-30 [Veltzeh]: Hey! stop ignoring Teena! :P Seriously, three people walk by and I even underlined that she's standing around... >_>

2010-07-30 [Ms. Steel]: Eek! I'm am sorry!

2010-07-30 [Ms. Steel]: I shall amend it.

2010-07-30 [Lepellier]: Heh, woops... Aidan'll be back soon enough to chat. Which should be interesting, the Irish boy and English girl talking.

2010-07-30 [Veltzeh]: Er, should I post her shouting to them before that? X)

2010-07-30 [Veltzeh]: Or should I just have her run after them...

2010-07-30 [Ms. Steel]: I feexed eet.

2010-07-30 [Veltzeh]: :3

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: Wait... isnt the south 3rd the mixed dorms?

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: South hall and East hall are mixed dorms.

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: Right, so whats that stuff at the bottom of the page bout not going into the south hall? just confused is all.

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: It's just dark and creepy, and seems uninviting.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Adrianne is in limbo! Then again, if I remember right, limbo is exactly the place she passes through when she teleports. X)

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Jacob is also supposed to be here, but there's no post about him.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Here's Teena's current get-up:

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: what is with shade? I go to bed and come back to 'tude, cant a woman sleep? lol, just have to wait for Knight to get up.

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: wait, what?

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: never mind, its just kinda allarming when I go to bed like verythings all hunky dory and come back and shades behaving like we're brain dead... again. *Shrugs* doesnt matter.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, Shade is purposefully an asshole character. That's why almost no other characters like him.

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ahhh thanks.

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: Shade doesn't react to YOU being brain dead. He reacts as if the characters were being brain dead.

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah, but they werent. they were just stood there looking for the room cos theyre new, dont know the way round and also both Knight and I were asleep so we couldn't move them even if they were stood there for what seemed like a while.

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: But it doesnt matter cos aparently he's an asswhole anyway.

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: Exactly.

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: indeeds.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Also, more grammar lessons: in Jacob's post the last three sentences start with "looking", leaning" and "looking". They should start with "he looked", "he leaned" and "he looked". Sentences in English need a subject!

(The -ing form of the verb in this case would be used with auxiliary clauses like in "he leaned down, looking at her" or the other way around: "looking at her, he leaned down". They MUST have a comma between the clauses.)

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: right, thank you.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: Ooh, the corrected version is great. :3

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: Spank ye.

2010-09-10 [Veltzeh]: [La Luna]: when you write things in "quotes", you should put a space before the beginning quote and after the closing quote (unless there's a comma or other punctuation that doesn't belong inside the quotes, like that first example of mine, though Americans would just put all the punctuation inside no matter how much it doesn't belong there).

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: ugh my grammer is horrible ill fix it right away cheif *salutes*

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: It's actually rule-based here that generally, all commas, periods, and such go inside quotes. Even if addressing a title or something, and not speaking.

2010-09-10 [Figgy]: Bes sure to give Vicious a chance to post, guys!

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: O: sorry Vicious!

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: 'sokay

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm he was staring at Erik hun, Jacob isnt exactly...normal.

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: now it all makes sense :P sorry ill fix it

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: no probbles.

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: =^.^=

2010-09-10 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, Erik can't exactly stare at anybody and is pretty much oblivious to Jacob's staring XP

2010-09-10 [KnightAngel]: For hopefully obvious reasons XP

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: hahahaaha yeah that stairing is a bit useless

2010-09-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeahhh well he knows that, thats proberbly why he feels a little more free to do it at Erik. *Shrugs* he's more in the questioning phase cos he's only realised himself.

2010-09-10 [La Luna]: ooooooooooh

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: Awwww, poor Summer!

2010-09-11 [Lepellier]: Eh, she's just a little moody that everyone got mad at her, and she's a little bit drunk, so it's like 10 times worse. She really has no friends and everyone else just kinda like shot off on her.

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: It just struck a very specific and mopey picture in my mind. heh heh.

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: I think everyone cleared out of the hallway, Kel. :-)

2010-09-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: Wait a sec, Lisa responded to Val.

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: Val's already gone from the hall and in bed. :-)

2010-09-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: Yeah it was before Val left.. like right below her post, Lisa responded to her.

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: Eh, the moment's passed. I wouldn't bother changing it. It'll mess up my subsequent post, which I do not intend to change. :-)

2010-09-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: mkays... so she's anoyed for no aparent reason. lovely.

2010-09-11 [Ms. Steel]: Fortunately, Val is not so easily annoyed.

2010-09-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: mkays.

2010-09-13 [The Past]: Watch still on, how she know it's Flame? :O

2010-09-13 [Roma]: oh shit, -fix-

2010-09-14 [The Past]: Ah! Sorry, put Flame in limbo -.- had been after a long day that I wrote it... and now an early morning -.- can't win

2010-09-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: bloody hell Luna you move too fast.

2010-09-18 [Veltzeh]: People currently in the hall: Teena, Jacob and Squid.
(Also, [Mrs Vicious.], you forgot a proper verb from the last bit of Jacob's post. ;))

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: thanks...erm, how would I go about correcting that?

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: Right well I'm off to bed, ill post some time tomorrow.

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: Like "He looked confused and rubbed his face a little." The -ing forms aren't proper verbs for use in those kind of sentences. You could use them if you wrote it like this: "He was looking confused and rubbing his face a little."

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh ok, thank you.

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: she said with her distinct British accent.

But what British accent is it? D:

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: Technically, it would actually be a dialect and not an accent, I believe. :-)

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Well there there's no such thing as either, so... :P

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: British accent or dialect/accent?

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Neither (I mean "THE British Accent". Sorry, it would be less confusing if I' said 'there are too many for that to be meaningful' language fail on my part. <_<). Scotland and Wales both have their own sets of dialects, just as England has quite a few different dialects. saying 'British accent' or 'British dialect' just makes no sense. Looking at Vel's character sheet I assume the accent is either cockney, estuary or received pronunciation (Queen's English) - all southern English accents. But I have no idea which it is that non-Brits think is the "British" accent.

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: I'm with her there, I mean I'm from Yorkshire, which is part of England but we don't sound like people who come from, say London. I live in Wales and they have their own language and accent too so someone needs to kinda clarify.

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Well how would you say about danish then? To you it would pretty much just be a danish accent but there is different variations for a danish versions but to non-Danes or non nordic people then it's mostly just considered danish accents o.o

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: But 'British' covers three countries. Saying 'British accent' is more akin to saying 'European accent'. And I'm sure if someone said 'European accent' you'd ask for clarification, too. :P If you specifically mentioned that your character spoke with a distinct Danish accent then yes, I'd probably wonder wtf that sounded like too. :P

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: does it really matter anyway? is it even on this page any more?

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: It was just a question. O_o Since when did curiosity become so frowned upon?

2010-09-19 [La Luna]: O.O i hate frowning!

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: I didn't do the research due to peer pressure. D:
I only started recognising different accents in Britain during the last year. A few years ago I didn't even have an idea there were different accents than those divided by country (and specifically American, Canadian, Irish, British and so on). Cough.
Teena is from London and thus speaks like people from there. I'm not familiar with the cultural or social implications of the different accents, so I'd rather not decide the specific one until I do, so feel free to give me links to info pages!
I mostly thought that most characters in the game are American and wouldn't care/know. :P

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: D: *shuns you*

Very simplified, Cockney is the working class accent, spoken in London. Queen's/Received English is thought of as the upper class accent (public school accent - Eton, etc.)
and Estuary English is, I suppose, middle class. It has features of the Cockney and the Queen's and is spoken widly in southern England (generally thought to be more affluent than the North)

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: And on Denmark you got 4-5 islands along with a peninsula and each one practically has their own accent, especially three in comparison, but yeah either way it's all considered danish accents but yeah oh well XP

2010-09-19 [La Luna]: in Long Island New York alone there are more then 20 accents

2010-09-19 [KnightAngel]: *nods* but of course if someone were to be precise sure but in general there is nothing wrong with saying it like that in general, or at least that's what the rest of the world have decided ^^

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: I meant nothing by my comment :-) Just being an annoying stickler, as is my periodic wont..

I do understand that there is no 'THE British accent'-- that is what I figured Silvie meant. Due to allergies and post-game brain-addling, my head's a bit hazy.

What I am referring to is semantics, really. The different between a dialect and an accent.

Within a language, you speak a dialect. For instance, a person from London, let's say, speaks English with a Cockney dialect. (I do understand that not everyone from London speaks with a Cockney dialect, this is just for example's sake). To someone in the U.S., they STILL speak with a dialect. Same language.

Or, I speak English with a Philadelphian dialect. (Well, only slightly :-))

An accent refers to someone who speaks one language but pronounces words or speaks in another.

My 10th grade teacher, Mrs. Zanchettin, speaks English with an Italian accent (her first language). Not to get too complicated, but she speaks it with a Sicilian dialect. ;-b


2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: Hmm, I suppose she speaks Estuary English but tries to be more "formal" than that (and more understandable to Americans (though again I have no idea what Americans think is the most understandable accent from the British Isles)) and thus she sounds a little like she has received pronunciation.

Or is that too complicated? >_>

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: I disagree. Dialect refers to specific word usage. Cockney is a dialect and an accent, in that they have specific word usage, but an accent in how they pronounce words. It's perfectly possible to speak an estuary dialect with a cockney accent. Accent = how you pronounce dialect = what words and phrases you use.

If accent simply meant 'speaking one language with the pronunciation of another' we wouldn't need to say 'foreign accent', it would be a tautology. It's not. :P

Your teacher speaks English with a Sicilian accent. :P

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Nah, I doubt anyone outside the UK would really notice the difference between estuary and Queen's, it sounds pretty realistic, actually. :) I think most people would tend towards received pronunciation if they were worried about whether other's could understand them. (well, I do anyway <_<)

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: Definitions of dialect include regional variances in pronunciation. But we can agree to disagree. :-)

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Well yes, but when there's only a difference in how the words are said, and no difference in what words are said, it's accent, not dialect. No?

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: Wikipedia says on dialect: A dialect is distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation (phonology, including prosody). Where a distinction can be made only in terms of pronunciation, the term accent is appropriate, not dialect.
And accent: In linguistics, an accent is a manner of pronunciation of a language. ... Accents can be confused with dialects which are varieties of language differing in vocabulary, syntax, and morphology, as well as pronunciation. Dialects are usually spoken by a group united by geography or social status. Also: There is no universally accepted criterion for distinguishing a language from a dialect. (Which is why I can understand some Estonian without ever having studied it. :3 And other languages too.)

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: Not according to most definitions I've come across, or what I was formally taught in Developmental Psycology.

Here is some information from a My Fair Lady study guide:

Dialect: A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists.

A dialect, then, applies not only to the way a person pronounces specific words,
but also which words a person uses and how the person uses those words to
convey his or her meaning. A dialect often will use words in very different ways
than the “proper” or widely accepted usage of the language it comes from. 

2010-09-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: *munches on a cookie*

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: I just realised this gets interesting with Finnish. All different ways of speaking Finnish are called dialects. While they do have different vocabulary, one can speak with a dialect without using any different words. However, standard Finnish is written exactly the way it's spoken (one-on-one relation with letters and sounds), and dialects can also be written exactly as they're spoken, which is when the dialects SEEM to have different vocabulary. XD

2010-09-19 [Ms. Steel]: That made my brain hurt a little!

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Wait, what - does that mean you don't have standardised spelling? D:

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: Mission successful! Hehe. X)

Maybe I could give an example, let's say "I need new winter tires for my car":
Standard Finnish: "(Minä) tarvitsen autooni uudet talvirenkaat." (Minä is optional.)
North-Karelian: "Mie tarvihen autooni uuet talavirenkaat."
Häme dialect: "Mä tarviin mun autoon uuret talvirenkaat."

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: No, we specifically have standardised spelling, though I must admit I'm not entirely sure what that means.

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: Do all your publisher/printers/official things use standard Finnish, or will you get books printed in North-Karelian or Häme?

2010-09-19 [Veltzeh]: Official things are always in standard Finnish, but books CAN be published with dialectical writing. Most often books with dialectical writing are either fiction or versions of official texts made for fun. Newspapers sometimes use a dialect in writing, but only in very small amounts. (I remember once how in an interview of Lordi the guy said that it wouldn't be nice or fitting to his imago if everybody heard what kind of dialect he speaks. The reporter CAREFULLY TRANSCRIBED his dialect into the damn article. I thought it was tasteless of the reporter. :P)

2010-09-19 [windowframe]: :O Interesting. And yeah, that's a bit... douchy. :P

2010-09-27 [La Luna]: *blinks* woooooaaaah

2010-10-07 [Veltzeh]: [XxTsomexX], when Endelyn gets to the elevator and if she's ready to go down, you can just write that the elevator took the two to X-Men hall complex and continue there. Teena won't resist. :)

2010-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: Eh? Endelyn doesn't even know what the elevator is lol she pretty much lived in a bucket. (Or rather, her parents kept her from most modern things.)

2010-10-07 [Veltzeh]: Or I can just post since we have impeccable timing again, especially I. XD

2010-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: Possibly? XD lol I'm confused again.

2010-10-07 [Veltzeh]: It would've mostly just been a time-saving thing if we happened to be online at different times. I'll go ahead and take them down.

2010-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: ok

2010-10-13 [Figgy]: Vicious, when are you going to post?

2010-10-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Sorry just been a little crapola, Ill do it now.

2010-10-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe, meaty bits.

2010-10-14 [Duredhel]: Vicious, you can just post Jacob down in the complex next :3

2010-10-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: I know, just needed to make dinner and blow my nose like sixteen times.

2010-11-16 [windowframe]: NNNNNNG. My interwebs cut out yesterday very literally just as I pressed 'edit' on this page. -_- *shakes fist at inept people at Virgin*

2010-11-16 [Ms. Steel]: OH! Mine likes to do that too, on occasion! Always a lovely surprise.

2010-11-16 [windowframe]: I had to phone them to get them to reconnect us. Apparently they cut us off because they'd failed to take a payment from me. They had my account details so they could take the payment, and just decided not to. Then, of course, they wanted to charge me a late fee for their failure to take my money in the first place. *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*

2010-11-16 [Ms. Steel]: Gotta love those corporate lackeys. Oh, wait... no you don't. :-)

2010-11-18 [windowframe]: someone, everyone, anyone, himself, herself, itself. All are one word, not two. :)

2010-11-19 [Veltzeh]: People currently in here: Daniela, Everett, Teena.

2010-11-19 [Roma]: + Mihir, Korvka briefly

2010-11-19 [Flisky]: Oh, Vel, the comment wouldn't be loud enough for anyone but Daniela to I'm not sure if Teena would have been able to hear it... :P

2010-11-19 [La Luna]: Don't know how but I kinda skipped this page when making Laurel go take a nap in the lounge, I guess I'll post now then?

2010-11-19 [NinjaBasco]: If you have any suggestion on music that I should have Everett listening to please tell me. I will listen to it before hand but just to let you know that I like most music and he does to.

2010-11-19 [Flisky]: Seriously, people! Did I not say 'under his breath, not knowing if Daniela could hear him or not.'???? Others should not be able to hear him!!!

2010-11-19 [Duredhel]: Imma wait till this gets figured out before I post >,>

2010-11-19 [Flisky]: I can see Everett maybe hearing, but doubtful over his music. Especially since the sound waves would never even reach him.

2010-11-19 [Flisky]: And it was only meant for Daniela's ears for a very specific reason.

2010-11-19 [La Luna]: Hehe my thing was just shuffle and avoid shuffle and avoid... :)

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